Speech therapy is about teaching your child how to communicate. Our holistic approach is evidence-based, and we tailor our treatment to you, your family, and your circumstances. All types of communication and feeding problems can be managed by a pediatric speech pathologist. These include, but are not limited to, stuttering and speech sounds, social skills reading and spelling, and receptive language. speech therapy at V CARE HEARING & SPEECH CENTREdoes not only help children speak clearly, but we also have expertise in all aspects of communication. Speech, also known as "articulation and Phonology", refers to how your child pronounces their sounds. This is vital for your child's development because they can quickly become frustrated if they don't understand. For example, if your child is lispy, they may refer to the word "sun", as "thun". Your child should communicate with people outside the family by the time they turn three years old. Speech difficulties can be detected earlier than three years of age. If your child is younger than one year old and isn't babbling too much, this could indicate that speech difficulties are present. If your child is less than one year old and does not have many sounds, they may be two years old.
For more details please contact us at 9971890271.